abstentionist policy造句


  1. He did not take his seat in the 4th D醝l due to Sinn F閕n's abstentionist policy.
  2. :The effect of the resolution is the abandonment of what is popularly termed the " Abstentionist Policy ".
  3. He does not take his seat in the House of Commons of the United Kingdom, in line with Sinn F閕n's abstentionist policy.
  4. A convinced republican, he was part of the Italian Republican Party until 1913, when he left it after disagreeing with its abstentionist policy.
  5. In line with Sinn F閕n's abstentionist policy Lynch resigned from his council seat to allow a party member to take his place on the council.
  6. It's difficult to find abstentionist policy in a sentence. 用abstentionist policy造句挺难的
  7. This oath to attend the House of Commons was seen to this day and part of the reasoning behind the Abstentionist policy of Sinn F閕n and other Nationalists throughout history.
  8. Mulvey did not take his seat until 1945, and with Patrick Cunningham proposed that the Nationalist Party also take an abstentionist policy with regard to the Parliament of Northern Ireland.
  9. Cunningham did not take his seat until 1945, and with Anthony Mulvey proposed that the Nationalist Party also take an abstentionist policy with regard to the Parliament of Northern Ireland.
  10. He courted further controversy in September 1986 when he publicly called for revenge after the killing of abstentionist policy if he were elected, in protest at the Anglo-Irish Agreement.
  11. In 1986, Adams succeeded in surviving a small split when he got Sinn Fein to drop its abstentionist policy in taking seats in the Dail, the Irish Republic's parliament.
  12. The new party also had an abstentionist policy, however, in 1927 a new law forced Fianna F醝l TDs to take the oath of allegiance and take their seats in the D醝l.
  13. The council is a small group of republican dissidents who are aligned with Republican Sinn Fein, which broke away from Sinn Fein a decade ago when the party leadership dropped its abstentionist policy in the Dail, Ireland's parliament.
  14. Dropping its abstentionist policy in the Irish Parliament in 1986 led to a minor split in the republican movement, and Sinn Fein leaders are determined to minimize a split over taking seats in a local assembly that they have traditionally regarded as illegitimate.
  15. After the resignation of 蒩mon de Valera as president of Sinn F閕n in 1926, O'Kelly, who maintained an abstentionist policy towards D醝l 蒳reann, was elected in his place and remained in this position until 1931 when Brian O'Higgins took over the leadership.
  16. 更多例句:  下一页


  1. "abstention doctrines"造句
  2. "abstention from voting"造句
  3. "abstention vote"造句
  4. "abstentionism"造句
  5. "abstentionist"造句
  6. "abstentionists"造句
  7. "abstentions"造句
  8. "abstentious"造句
  9. "abstergent"造句
  10. "abstergo"造句

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